Saint Anne's R.C. Church
88 Second Ave, Brentwood NY 11717
Telephone: 631-273-8113 • Fax: 631-436-7914
Parish Email:
Parish Website:
Pastor's (Fr. Stan) Email:
Associate Pastor's (Fr. Milciades) Email:
Associate Pastor's (Fr. Louischard Lindor) Email:
Monday: 12:00pm (English), 5:00pm (Spanish)*
Tuesday: 12:00pm (English), 5:00pm*(Spanish)*
Wednesday: 12:00pm (English), 5:00pm (Spanish)*,
7:30pm (French Creole)
Thursday: 12:00pm (English), 5:00pm (English)*,
7:00pm (Spanish)*
Friday: 12:00pm (English), 5:00pm (Spanish)*
Saturday Morning Daily Mass: 9:00am (English)
Saturday: 5:00pm (English), 7:00pm (Spanish)
Sunday: 7:30am(English), 9:00am (Spanish), 11:00am (English), 12:30pm (French Creole), 3:00pm (Spanish), 5:00pm (English), 6:00pm (Spanish)
Daily: Monday – Friday 4:30pm
Saturdays: 4:00 - 4:45pm
* Changed
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How to Obtain a Plenary Indulgence
During this Jubilee Year of 2025
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
3/9/25 - Jesus Faces Temptation - Cycle C
Dear Families,
Sunday’s Gospel reveals Jesus as fully human and fully divine. The devil tempts Jesus in the desert, promising him human power and earthly goods. Jesus shows us how to resist temptation by holding tightly to the promises of God found in Sacred Scripture.
This week is the first Sunday of Lent. Lent is a special time when we prepare for the celebration of Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection. We prepare through Prayer by talking with God; Fasting by giving things up not just food; Almsgiving by giving generously to those who are in need.
As a family watch video in its entirety than ask each other these questions.
What are some temptations you experience? How does the Church help you to strengthen yourself against them?
Family Prayer: Pray the Lord’s Prayer together. Focus on the words “lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.” Amen.
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Below is a video of the story of Jesus. Click the link for your language
Visit the Faith Formation page
The Deacon’s Bench by Deacon John
By Deacon John.
Where does the time go? As you may have heard, I have requested and been granted a transfer by Bishop Barres to my new Parish Mary Immaculate, in Bellport.
A little background. Sue and I lived in Brentwood for over 60 years. We are both Brentwood High School Graduates. After we were married over 40 years ago, we bought our first home here in Brentwood. We stayed here until about four years ago when it was time for us to downsize our large home in Brentwood and move closer to our Children and the Grandsons. As we are getting older there is always the chance that there will be a need for family help. During these past four years, we have continued to be members of St Annes, and I have continued my Diaconal ministry here.
Now however the time has come for me to continue my ministry a bit closer to my new home. I am semi-retired from my work as Nurse Supervisor at the facility where I work.
El Banco del Diácono por el Diácono John
Desde el Banco del Diácono Por el Diácono John
¿A dónde se va el tiempo? Como habrán escuchado, he solicitado y me han concedido una transferencia por parte del Obispo Barres a mi nueva parroquia, María Inmaculada, en Bellport.
Un Poco de Historia
Sue y yo vivimos en Brentwood por más de 60 años. Ambos somos graduados de Brentwood High School. Después de casarnos hace más de 40 años, compramos nuestra primera casa aquí en Brentwood. Permanecimos aquí hasta hace unos cuatro años, cuando llegó el momento de reducir el tamaño de nuestro hogar y mudarnos más cerca de nuestros hijos y nietos. A medida que envejecemos, siempre existe la posibilidad de que necesitemos la ayuda de la familia. Durante estos últimos cuatro años, hemos seguido siendo miembros de Santa Ana, y yo he continuado mi ministerio diaconal aquí. Sin embargo, ahora ha llegado el momento de continuar mi ministerio un poco más cerca de mi nuevo hogar. Estoy semi-retirado de mi trabajo como Supervisor de Enfermería en la instalación donde trabajo.
Announcements March 9th, 2025
- St. Patrick’s Day Dance at the K o C on Saturday, March 15, more information on the bulletin.
- Father Alberto and Father Orlando, will visit us for lent and will be leading spiritual retreats for our Parish giving us an opportunity to deepen our faith, renew our spirits, and draw closer to God. Please mark your calendars for retreats with Frs. Alberto and Orlando:
Sunday, March 16th
in the morning (in Spanish) Lenten Retreat for couples in the church basement. From 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.
in the afternoon (in English) Lent Retreat for everyone at the Knights of Columbus Hall from 2:00 to 4:30 pm.
Sunday, March 23rd: (in Spanish) Lenten Retreat for everyone from 10:30 am to 3 pm. - We invite you to join us for Ash Wednesday services at the church on March 5th. The schedule for receiving ashes is as follows:
9:00 AM – English Mass
12:00 PM – English Mass
3:00 PM – Spanish Mass
5:00 PM – English Mass
7:00 PM – Spanish Mass in the Church
7:00 PM – French Mass in the Church Basement
Ashes will be distributed between all masses and services.
- This Sunday, the music ministry will have a sandwich sale to raise funds to buy musical instruments, after the 9:00am Mass. Please support them.
Have a blessed week everyone!
Anuncios Marzo 9th, 2025
- Necesitamos voluntarios para ayudar a representar el Vía Crucis para el próximo Viernes Santo. Los ensayos son los domingos de 4 a 6 pm en el Salón de Caballeros de Colón. No se necesita experiencia.
- Baile del Día de San Patricio en el K o C el sábado 15 de marzo más información en el boletín.
- El Padre Alberto y el Padre Orlando, nos visitarán durante la Cuaresma y estarán liderando retiros espirituales para nuestra Parroquia dándonos la oportunidad de profundizar nuestra fe, renovar nuestro espíritu y acercarnos más a Dios.
Por favor marque sus calendarios para los retiros con los P. Alberto y P. Orlando:
Domingo 16 de marzo
- por la mañana (en español) Retiro de Cuaresma para parejas en el sótano de la iglesia. De 8:00 a 3:00 pm.
- por la tarde (en inglés) Retiro de Cuaresma para todos en el Salón de Caballeros de Colón de 2:00 a 4:30 pm.
Domingo 23 de marzo: (en español) Retiro de Cuaresma para todos de 10:30 am a 3 pm.
- 5.Lo invitamos a unirse a nosotros para los servicios del Miércoles de Ceniza en la iglesia este miércoles el 5 de marzo. El horario de recepción de cenizas es el siguiente:
9:00 AM – Misa en ingles
12:00 PM – Misa en ingles
3:00 PM – Misa en español
5:00 PM – Misa en ingles
7:00 PM – Misa en español en la iglesia
7:00 PM – Misa en francés en el sótano de la iglesia
Las cenizas se repartirán entre todas las misas y servicios.
Este Domingo, El Ministerio de Música realizará una venta de sándwiches para recaudar fondos para la compra de instrumentos musicales, después de la Misa de las 9:00. Por favor apoyenlos.
- El próximo domingo 9 de marzo, la misa de las 3:00 será en el sótano de la iglesia, debido al Rito Diocesano de RICA con el Obispo en la iglesia.
¡Que tengan una semana bendecida a todos!
Saturday September 7th - Procession from St. Luke’s church to St. Anne’s.
Through the streets of Brentwood in honor of the Blessed Mother and of the Blessed Sacrament.
Police Alert Residents of Scams
“We are all born originals, some in life become photocopies.”
Carlo Acutis was born in London, Britain, on May 3, 1991, to Italian parents, Carlo and Antonia Salzano, who were in the City for work. He was baptized on May 18 at Our Lady of Dolours Church in London. In September 1991, the family returned to Milan. At the age of four, his parents enrolled him in kindergarten, which he attended with great enthusiasm. When the time came for compulsory schooling, he was enrolled at the San Carlo Institute in Milan, a well-known private school. After three months, he was transferred to elementary school at the Tommaseo Institute of the Marcelline Sisters, because it was closer to his home. On June 16, 1998, he received his First Communion, earlier than his usual age, thanks to special permission from his spiritual director, Fr Ilio Carrai, and Archbishop Pasquale Macchi. The celebration took place in the Monastery of the cloistered Romite nuns of the Order of St. Ambrose ad Nemus in Bemaga di Perego (Lecco). The Sacrament of Confirmation, on May 24, 2003, was administered to him in the church of Santa Maria Segreta, by Monsignor Luigi Testore, former secretary of Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini and parish priest of San Marco in Milan.
Read more: Carlo Acutis, a Reflection by Fr Alfredo (in english)
FREE Prostate Cancer Screening
Breast Screening
FREE Health Fair
And more...
'Todos nacemos originales, algunos en la vida se convierten en fotocopias'
Carlo Acutis nació en Londres, Gran Bretaña, el 3 de mayo de 1991, de padres italianos, Carlo y Antonia Salzano, que estaban en la City por motivos de trabajo. Fue bautizado el 18 de mayo en la iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Dolores de Londres. En septiembre de 1991, la familia regresó a Milán. A los cuatro años, sus padres le inscriben en la guardería, a la que asiste con gran entusiasmo. Cuando llegó el momento de la escolarización obligatoria, lo matricularon en el Instituto San Carlo de Milán, una conocida escuela pública. Al cabo de tres meses, fue trasladado a la escuela primaria del Instituto Tommaseo de las Hermanas Marcelinas, por estar más cerca de su casa. El 16 de junio de 1998 recibió la Primera Comunión, antes de su edad habitual, gracias a un permiso especial de su director espiritual, el padre Ilio Carrai, y del arzobispo Pasquale Macchi. La celebración tuvo lugar en el monasterio de las monjas de clausura romitas dell'Ordine di Sant'Ambrogio ad Nemus, en Bemaga di Perego (Lecco). El sacramento de la Confirmación, el 24 de mayo de 2003, le fue administrado en la iglesia de Santa Maria Segreta, por monseñor Luigi Testore, antiguo secretario del cardenal Carlo Maria Martini y párroco de San Marco en Milán.
Read more: Carlo Acutis, una reflexión del P. Alfredo (en español)
Background Screening Update
The Office for the Protection of Children and Young People:
The Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People (The Charter) promulgated by the Bishops of the United States in 2002 outlines specific practices and guidelines providing standards of safety in parishes and dioceses throughout the United States. As directed in The Charter, the Diocese of Rockville Centre requires all employees, clergy, and volunteers to complete three requirements within thirty days of employment or volunteering:
- Attend Protecting God’s Children Program (Virtus)
- Sign the Codes of Conduct;
- Complete a background screen application. The Diocese requires all those who remain in active ministry be rescreened at 5 yr. intervals. volunteers/employees.