St Annes Church RAFFLE 24 banner

July 21, 2024 - 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

     As we hear today’s Gospel, it is so edifying to see the humanity of Jesus, as he attends to every human need. After giving the Apostles the authority over evil spirits and sending them for a mission, Jesus is awaiting for their return. Who would think that Jesus will be concerned even about the rest of the apostles? Often, we may think that Jesus wants us to be just constantly doing things for him or for others, when in fact he is as human as we are and doesn’t need our overtime, especially the one coming from our lack of faith.

     Everyone needs to work and everyone needs to rest, even Jesus. Rest is a part of God’s plan for us as well, as it is a time for gratitude and prayer of thanksgiving. Jesus wants us to enjoy good things of life, in fact he gives us the possibility to enjoy all things of life. Having Jesus in our life makes all the difference in every situation and aspect of our life. It is up to each one of us to set our priorities and to decide who or what will fill our mind, our heart, our life. It is our decision and choice, to whom we dedicate our time, our talents, our friendship individually or as a family. If it is Jesus and his service that concerns us, our life and our culture will be built around his friendship. Ultimately this is what we all desire and want, only often we think that Jesus needs to break into our lives, when in fact it is us, who need to give him the central place in our hearts and lives. Finding Jesus’ friendship, we find happiness and fulfillment in our life.

      Jesus is present in our life when we are busy at work, and when we are relaxing after, he is with us in time of trouble and he is present in time of joy. It is our loving awareness, that makes our conscient of the love and presence of Christ felt. Jesus is moved with compassion on those who desire his attention and his friendship, let’s be in that group of people.

     As we continue to enjoy our vacation time, let’s find ourselves doing it with awareness of Jesus presence and love for us. He is the Good Shepherd that always watches over us. Let us walk with him every day of our life enjoying his friendship and love.

     I want to thank you all, for helping our parish to be a place of encounter for family and friends, by serving and participating in different prayer groups and activities. For keeping the environment and culture of Jesus’ mercy and compassion. Let’s prepare for the feast of Saints Anne and Joachim, for the feast of Jesus’ grandparents and all grandparents. Let us encounter Jesus in all things we do.

God bless everyone always!!!

Fr. Stan